Thursday, July 28, 2011

Let's Have a Picnic!

What's the yummiest summer activity?  Having a picnic!  Whether it's at a park or in your own backyard, eating food outside is always fun for some reason.  That's why our Explorastory program learned about picnics this week (without the ants. Gross).


"The Best Picnic Ever" by Clare Jarrett

"Picnic Farm" by Christine Morton-Shaw

"We're Going on a Picnic!" by Pat Hutchins

Click Here to Order These on the Heights Library Catalog

5 Hungry Ants
5 Hungry Ants, marching in a line,
They came upon a picnic, where they could dine,
They marched into the salad,
They marched into the cake,
They marched into the pepper--
Uh oh!  That's was a mistake!

"The Ants Go Marching"  Get the song and lyrics by clicking here

Art Project:  Each child received a paper plate, one piece of paper and some markers.  On the paper plate they drew pictures of their favorite foods.  The paper plates were then glued onto the piece of paper, where the children designed and drew their own table cloths. 

We hung them all up on a large sheet of butcher paper, decorated it with some napkins and plastic utensils and hung it up for the rest of the library to see.  Doesn't it make you hungry?  Time to eat! 


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